/ Kaleidoscope program for the VC8E/VR14 scope. / Based on suggestions from page 6-19 of the Small Computer / Handbook, 1973. / The advice given is to experiment with settings of / the switch register bit positions 9, 10 and 11, leaving / all higher bits zero. The advice is good; this is a / nice "screen saver" for non-storage scopes. DISD=6052 DILX=6053 DILY=6054 DIXY=6055 * 200 START, TAD Y JMS SCALE CMA TAD X DCA X / X = X - SCALE(Y) TAD X DILX JMS SCALE TAD Y DILY DISD JMP .-1 DIXY DCA Y / Y = Y - SCALE(X) JMP START X, 3777 / any initial value works, but Y, 6 / 0,0 is least interesting. / Divide AC by 2**SR SCALE, .-. DCA TEM OSR CIA DCA C TAD TEM CLL SPA CML RAR / Arithmetic right shift ISZ C JMP .-5 JMP I SCALE TEM, .-. C, .-. $