DATA ENTRY PROGRAM - Description of Data Entry Screen (1 of 4) The data entry screen can display the volume and prices for up to 13 trading periods (days or weeks) at one time. On the left side of the data entry screen there will be a pointer that looks like this: -> A trading period is selected (for making changes, etc.) when the pointer is on the same line as the date of that period. The pointer can be moved through all of the trading periods by means of the cursor keys on the right side of the keyboard, as des- cribed below. If you press the wrong key, an error message will flash on the bottom of the screen until you press another correct key. Down-Arrow: moves the pointer down one line. If necessary, the display will scroll towards the latest (most current) volume and price data. Up-Arrow: moves the pointer up one line. If necessary, the display will scroll towards the earliest (least current) volume and price data. Alt-Dn: moves the display 10 lines down towards the latest price data. There is an overlap of 3 lines. The pointer is placed on the bottom line. Alt-Up: moves the display 10 lines up towards the earliest price data. There is an overlap of 3 lines. The pointer is placed on the top line. Press ENTER to see next HELP screen, or Esc key to go back to data screen. DATA ENTRY PROGRAM - Description of Data Entry Screen (2 of 4) Alt-Line Feed: moves the display to the latest price data and places the pointer on the most current trading period. Home: moves the display to the earliest price data and places the pointer on the least current trading period. Typing one of the following letter keys will invoke the corresponding function: A = ADD a new trading period date after the latest existing date, and then enter volume and prices for this new date. The new trading period date will replace the earliest previously existing date. The new date is com- puted by the program. If data for this stock is being updated weekly, the trading period date will always fall on a Friday. If data is being updated daily, the program will ask if the new date is a holiday. Week- end days are automatically skipped. The ADD function works the same way regardless of where the select pointer is at the time the A key is typed. After the data has been entered, the screen will show the most current volume and price data, along with newly updated moving averages. Press ENTER to see next HELP screen, or Esc key to go back to data screen. DATA ENTRY PROGRAM - Description of Data Entry Screen (3 of 4) C = CHANGE or correct volume and prices for the selected existing trading period. This function is used mainly for initial data entry for a new stock that has just been added to the system, or for correcting errors. If data has been updated daily, the program will ask if the selected date is a holiday. After any change is made to a closing price, all moving averages are automatically re-computed and re-displayed. D = apply a stock DIVIDEND or a stock split to all trading periods BEFORE the selected trading period. The program assumes that post-split data has already been entered for the selected trading period. This function will automatically adjust volume, prices, earnings, dividends and price goals. M = change either or both of the MOVING average periods. This function will automatically perform all necessary computations. A moving average per- iod cannot be greater than the total number of days or weeks for which volume and price data is being kept for this stock. If a moving average is not wanted, specify zero. If both moving averages are wanted, the short-term period cannot be greater than the long-term period. If only one moving average is wanted, it is better to specify it as the long-term average because it will be shown as a solid line on the bar graph. Press ENTER to see next HELP screen, or Esc key to go back to data screen. DATA ENTRY PROGRAM - Description of Data Entry Screen (4 of 4) S = SELECT another stock. This will take you back to the stock select screen. You must go back to the stock select screen to invoke the bar graph pro- gram or to add or delete a stock. H = HELP. Displays the explanatory information you are looking at now. Q = QUIT this program and exit to DOS, so you can run a different program system, make a backup copy of a disk, etc. Press ENTER or Esc key to go back to the data entry screen.