5 KEY(10) ON:ON KEY(10) GOSUB 600:KEY(9) ON:ON KEY(9) GOSUB 700:DIM A(15):FOR I=1 TO 15:A(I)=I:NEXT I 10 CLS:R=0:N=0:GOSUB 59980:FOR I=1 TO 100:SWAP A(INT(RND*15+1)),A(INT(RND*15+1)):NEXT I 30 LOCATE 2,34:PRINT"Analogies 6":COLOR 7,0 210 IF XX<16 THEN C=A(XX):GOTO 50 700 RUN "b:iqbuild" 5500 DATA antiseptic, bacteria, army, nation, lawyer, defense, prescription, cure, bald, hair, education, ignorance, 5, A removes B 5510 DATA aristocrat, baron, flower, stem, president, vice president, leader, follower, insect, ant, civilian, soldier, 4, an example 5520 DATA solvency, pay, poor, buy, athletic, champion, aggressive, passive, punctual, tardy, bankruptcy, profit, 2, one leads to the other 5530 DATA despotic, domineer, cordial, rebuff, timid, withdraw, aggressor, tremble, malcontent, cooperate, disgruntled, rejoice, 2, character to action 5540 DATA hold, ship, basement, house, tail, airplane, vault, security, site, edifice, garage, car, 1, part down below 5550 DATA erosion, water, bomb, fuse, wars, destruction, professional, amateur, aging, time, floor, polish, 4, action to agent 5560 DATA illness, absence, watchman, theft, trip, fall, fly, drive, award, reward, competition, defeat, 2, one follows other 5570 DATA gravel, pit, oil, well, cement, sand, tunnel, cave, crest, mountain, concrete, road, 1, up from ground 5580 DATA dam, flow, science, research, reporter, news, laws, lawyer, autocracy, liberty, education, learning, 4, A resists B 5590 DATA conjunction, clauses, guest, hospitality, bridge, shores, paragraph, sentences, walls, land, shoes, foot, 2, binds together 5600 DATA intermediatiary, arbitrate, belligerent, peace, adherent, pact, general, private, prosecutor, conviction, believer, belief, 4, his job 5610 DATA asteroid, planet, pond, lake, moon, orbit, meteor, burn, rocket, free fall, combustible, burning, 1, big to small 5620 DATA pear, potato, tomato, fruit, pint, liquid, great dane, terrier, sweet, sour, peach, turnip, 5, tree to ground 5630 DATA bear, fur, fish, seaweed, fish, gills, car, sheet metal, bug, wings, food, nutrients, 3, outside cover 5640 DATA sheep, fold, macherel, school, dog, cat, bluefish, bait, planet, solar system, tortoise, shell, 1, types of herds  5640 DATA sheep, fold, macherel, school, dog, cat, bluefish, bai