Bitmap 2.00 Help file 2-18-85 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Save - Writes an screen image to disk. File name must end with ".BIT" for an uncompressed image or ".PAK" for a compressed image. Load - Reads a screen image. A menu of files will be displayed. move the cursor to the desired file and press return. Only the first 23 files in a directory will be displayed. Select the "Type in" option to read other files. Merge - Merges a screen image with current display. Currently only works with a ".PAK" file. Dir - You will be prompted for search string. For a directory of the current disk use "*.*", or for drive A use "A:*.*". View Sequence- This works like the Dir command except it displays all files ending with a ".PAK" or ".BIT" suffix. It assumes that a ".PAK" file has been saved as a compressed image, and a ".BIT" file has been saved as an uncompressed image. You will be prompted for the length of the pause between images (in seconds). The images will continue to display until a key is pressed. Works only on current drive. Graphics On/Off - toggles graphics on/off, resets pallette(does not erase). Clear - erases graphics screen. View - turns off menu until key is pressed. Draw - (Arrow keys move cursor using Xdelta and Ydelta steps, Shift-Arrow keys move cursor in 1 pixel steps, Return selects points) Brush - Leaves trace of cursor. INS toggles off and on. Pressing home allows changing the size of the cursor. To change the cursor size press home, select the desired size with the arrow keys, then press return. Drawing is toggled off when changing the cursor. Text - Draws text on graphics screen at selected point. Line - Select first end point, select second end point and repeat. Draws a sequence of lines until RETURN is pressed twice. Paint - Select boundary color, starting point. Fills area with current color. Boundary consists of current color, boundary color and edge of screen. Press any key to stop painting. Arc - First point selects center, left/right arrows subtracts/adds the delta angle to end angle, up/down arrows change the radius. The space bar changes the angle of the start angle. The default delta angle is 15 degrees. Use Set command to change the angle delta. Ellipse - First point selects center, left/right arrows change x-axis, up/down arrows change y-axis. The space bar rotates the axis of the ellipse. The default delta angle is 15 degrees. Circle - First point selects center, up/down arrows change radius. Rectangle- First point selects corner, arrows change size. Repeats until start point and end point are the same. Spline - Select a series of points (25 max), pressing return twice to terminate. A cubic spline will be drawn through all points. Edit Copy - Position cursor to lower left, press return, position cursor to upper right, press return, move box to copy location and press return, move box again and press return to add as many copies as desired. Press return twice to return to the menu. The first copy will work corectly if it overlaps the copied area. Additional copies will contain the modified version of the original area. Shrink - Works like copy except the copies will be half size. Does not correct for overlaping the copied area. Invert - Select an area to modify by moving the cursor to the lower left, then the upper right. The selected area will then be inverted. Reverse - Select an area to modify by moving the cursor to the lower left, then the upper right. The selected area will turned into a mirror image. Move - Works just like copy except erases the original area. Fat bits- Zooms 80x25 pixel area, use arrow keys to select a pixel, press numeric keys change pixel color. Pressing numeric keys also sets the current color like the Color command from the main menu. If the INS button is pressed all pixels traversed by the cursor will be changed to the current color, until INS is pressed again. Moving the cursor off screen will scroll the current zoomed area. Color - Selects current color for Draw options. Palette Change color selected to new color. This changes the current display only. other commands will reset the colors. Update - modifies all colors to match default color mapping. Set X/Y delta - step sizes for shift-arrow cursor movement. A delta - angle increment for rotation the axis of ellipses, and angle changes for arcs. Rotate - toggles horizontal/vertical direction for text. Font - allows loading a new character font. Bitsize - Switches between 2 display modes for Fatbits. Mouse - Switches mouse on off. (See notes) Quit - Exit Bitmap program. Notes: Bitmap assumes that a ".PAK" file is a compressed image, and a ".BIT" file is an uncompressed image. It will not save a file with the wrong sufix, and will not load a file without one of the two proper sufixes, so renameing files can cause unpreditable results. Starting Bitmap with a filename argument does an automatic load on the file. Pressing any number key when a graphics cursor is on the screen will change the current color. The mouse mode currently supports a Mouse Systems mouse connected to port 1. In general the center button works like the RETURN key, the left button like the INS key and the right button like the HOME key. Exceptions: Help - left or right = more, center = esc. Ellipse - left button works like space. Arc - left and right buttons change start and end angles. WARNING - do not turn mouse mode on if you do not have one connected, you will have to reboot to get out of BITMAP. Also if the program should crash (nobody's perfect) when you are in mouse mode I would reboot before proceeding. -DNJ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------