comment @ ESKC.ASM May 1985 by Martin J. Kelinsky This ASSEMBLER program was designed to enable one to execute in DOS the Extended Screen or Keyboard Control sequences as described within the DOS 2.00 to 3.x manuals. This program can accept one command request at a time. This feature is handy because it enables you to define any string to any key for use while within DOS. This is similiar to the way the function keys are assigned within BASIC. The program can also be used to issue commands that select forground and background colors for the color display. To send the sequence, just enter ESKC (the command file name) with one blank between it and the command string. The following examples were derived from information contained within chapter 13. The ESC[ prefix is added to the command string within the program. ESKC 0;59;"basica";13p reassigns F1 to call BASICA ESKC 4m sets underscore on ESKC 31;44m sets red forground on blue background The DOS command file ESKC.COM can be ASM ESKC created with the following sequence: LINK ESKC,; EXE2BIN ESKC.EXE ESKC.COM Prior to using the program, you must make sure to power up with a CONFIG.SYS file that contains the command: DEVICE=ANSI.SYS. The ANSI.SYS file must also be resident on the diskette. The ASSEMBLER source code follows.@ CSEG SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' ORG 100H ASSUME CS:CSEG,DS:CSEG,ES:CSEG START: MOV BX,80H ; PTR TO PARM LENGTH SUB CH,CH MOV CL,[BX] ; PARMS LENGTH VALUE MOV DI,81H MOV AL,' ' ; SCAN OFF LEADING BLANKS REPE SCASB DEC DI INC CX MOV SI,DI LEA DI,PARM ; PARMS START REP MOVSB ; MOV AH,9 ; PRINT STRING IS THE LEA DX,STR ; PASSED PARM STRING INT 21H INT 20H ; Pgm Terminate STR DB 27,'[' PARM DB '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' CSEG ENDS END START ; ////////////////// eof ////////