echo off rem rem WSSINDEX installation rem if Z%1 == Z goto help a:arce a:wssi338a %1 echo Change target disk if necessary pause rem /R option used because both ARC files contain ONLYHALF.DOC a:arce a:wssi338b %1 /R echo File extraction complete. echo If you are a new user, TYPE the file READ.ME for initial instructions. goto exit :help echo The WSSINDEX distribution files are stored in an error checking, echo compressed format. This batch file drives the extraction program. echo The uncompressed files will not quite fit on a single 360K floppy echo disk, so you will be given the opportunity to swap output disks after echo approximately half of the files have been extracted. On a single echo floppy machine, your operating system may issue additional prompts echo to swap disks so that one physical drive can be used as both A: and B:. echo Syntax is wss-inst d: to extract to drive d, or echo wss-inst d:path to extract to a subdirectory on drive d. echo The WSSINDEX distribution disk is assumed to be in drive A. :exit