COPY-ALL 2.0 †COPY-ALL‡ is a program dedicated to easily and systematically˙making back up copies of the files on a hard disk as well as all˙file copying tasks. When used as a general purpose copy program,˙†COPY-ALL‡ is a versatile and efficient tool that helps you avoid˙the mistakes and the uncertainties that go hand in hand with the˙MS-DOS internal copy function. No more do you have to copy one˙file at a time because the files you wish to copy do not have˙similar file names: †COPY-ALL‡ accepts general search˙specifications from complete wild card search („*.*‡) to a specific˙file name and then lets you chose which files to copy. No longer˙will you be faced with copying a file over another of the same˙name that you didn't wish to destroy: if a file of the same name˙is already present, †COPY-ALL‡ lets you know and then gives you all˙of the information necessary to decide what to do including copy˙to a new file name. Gone is the uncertainty of the contents of˙any text file: †COPY-ALL‡ allows you to view the file and˙automatically presents one screen page at a time rather than the˙continuous flow released by MS-DOS's TYPE command. File data may˙be checked and files may be deleted. If you choose to delete a˙file you are requested to confirm the decision so disastrous˙errors are reduced. When you copy a file, the file's size and the˙space available on the destination disk are displayed. In back up mode, †COPY-ALL‡ searches for all files specified by the˙search criteria (i.e. „*.* ‡or „*.doc etc.) that have not previously˙been backed up. This is done by looking for the attribute flag˙that is set by MS-DOS each time a file is written. If the file is˙backed up using †COPY-ALL‡, the attribute flag is turned off. All˙of the regular copy features are available in back up mode which˙provides full control over the back up process while enhancing˙the easy with which it can be done. †COPY-ALL‡ has two back up modes. One performs a back up on all˙designated files in the current directory. This is particularly˙useful for daily back up or upon completion of a short session.˙The other back up mode searches all the directories on the hard˙disk. This provides an efficient means of saving all of the˙valuable material written over a period of time. The process of˙backing up becomes so simple and straight forward that it gets˙done on a regular basis. There is an on screen reminder of the˙last time that the hard disk was backed up. †COPY-ALL‡ is available for the Texas Instrument Professional˙Computer family and the IBM PC/XT/AT and compatibles. It requires˙MS-DOS 2.0 or greater. The cost is $27.50. /*Rca.pic: Screen 27.50