This catalogue is designed to provide an interactive approach to information about the products produced by Computer Consultant Services Using the catalogue is straight forward. To proceed sequentially through the catalogue, press the ‰space bar‡ (or any other letter key) when you are prompted to †press any key to continue‡. You may view sample screens of each program by selecting the ‰highlighted number‡ that appears in the „Screen Menu‡ box at the right side of the screen. In most cases, if there is a graphics display, a small screen icon will appear beside the number. You may select the product information to view by pressing ŹF2‡. A menu of the available products will be presented. Make the desired selection by moving the highlighting to the desired product with the ‰UP‡ and ‰DOWN‡ cursor keys. Then press ‰RETURN‡. The „cursor keys‡ allow you to move through each product description a line (‰UP‡ or ‰DOWN‡) or screen page („Shift‡‡ ‰Up‡ or ‰Down‡) at a time. The „HOME‡ key will return you to the beginning of each description. When viewing a graphics screen, the †UP‡ and †DOWN‡ cursor keys move the location of the †Return to product text prompt‡. You may see the price of any product by pressing ‰C‡. In addition, the description of any product may be sent to a printer. This includes little or no formatting features so that it will be compatible with the largest number of printers. To print a product description, press ‰P‡. A menu of products will be displayed. Choose the product to be printed or „Cancel‡. Be sure that the printer is turned on and is on-line.