SURFACING If you find mathematics intriguing or if you find mathematics˙forbidding, †SURFACING‡ brings you the beauty of 3 Dimensional˙Surfaces and an opportunity to explore mathematics visually. What˙has previously been hostile territory to even those who enjoy˙mathematics and graphing is now open for all to observe its rich˙beauty. This area of mathematics really can be explored by anyone˙with an interest in doing so. No longer does it require a long˙apprenticeship in the study of mathematics. With ease and speed you can enter any two variable mathematical˙function and find out how it behaves in space. Simply enter any˙equation and discover what will happen. Once you have used˙†SURFACING‡ for a while, you will know what type of equations to˙enter to generate a certain kind of surface. The surfaces that˙are generated are often intriguing, exciting and beautiful. †SURFACING‡ (and POLYNOMIAL for single variable equations) removes˙the tedium and therefore the error and frustration, from˙graphing. This leaves it as an enjoyable pastime rather than an˙obligatory drudgery. †SURFACING‡ comes with complete documentation that allows anyone to˙explore this rich mathematical landscape. †SURFACING‡ requires a Texas Instruments Professional Computer or Business Pro with 3-plane graphics board, 256K memory, one disk˙drive, MS-DOS 2.1 or later and the 8087 coprocessor chip.˙†SURFACING‡ sells for $27.50. /*Gsfeg1.pic:Surface 1,Gsfeg2.pic:Surface 2 27.50