Dave, I just uploaded to your incoming directory a copy of my multi-user OS/8 system called MULTOS/8. I put it into the public domain in the early 1990s. You are welcome to put it in your archive, if you wish. It is not as sophisticated as Jim Dempsey's ETOS or OMNI-8. It does not require any additional hardware to run as ETOS did. When I encountered a CIF instruction, I emulated *all* the instructions after that until a JMP or JMS was encountered at which time the IF was changed. I can't remember whether I checked to see when the change was to the current field. Oh, well, if I did, it's there in the code. All the code in the modules was written using Steuart Dewar's ICE editor in PAGE8 macro assembler. If anyone edits this code, they should use ICE because Steuart used a clever trick to close out an edited file extremely fast. ICE would allow characters of all zero bits to be in the file and would ignore them itself, but another editor might choke on them. Thanks for providing such a great site for PDP-8 enthusiasts! Best regards, -- Bill Haygood David Gesswein Note: The ICE editor is available in the rk05 image ftp://ftp.pdp8.net/images/os8/dewar-editor.rk05