# I tried the stty command to turn off command echoing but couldn't get it # to work. For now I just repeat the expect lines twice set timeout 60 spawn "~/simh-master/BIN/pdp8" expect "sim>" send "do pal_simh_cmds\n" expect -re "\n\\." send "dele a.*\n\r" expect -re "\n\\." expect -re "\n\\." send "squ sys:\n\r" expect "SURE?" send "Y\n\r" expect -re "\n\\." expect -re "\n\\." send "R PIP\n\r" expect -re "\n\\*" send "A.PA" send "att ptp a.ls\n\r" expect "sim>" send "c\n\r" sleep .1 send "\n\r" expect -re "\n\\*" send "PTP:" send "quit\n\r" exit 0