# Executable directories EmuDir="/opt/mfm/emu" PowerFailDir="/opt/mfm/powerfail" # File name for first emulator file EmuFN1="/home/debian/emufile_a" # File name for second emulator file. Leave blank if none EmuFN2="" # Type of backup. Blank for none, copy for simple copy, # xdelta or rdiff to use those programs to reduce backup file size Backup="" # Number of backup files to keep NumBackup="4" # Command to use to power off the board when power lost PowerCmd="sudo poweroff -f" # Additional options to powerfail command PowerFailOptions="" # Additional optoins to mfm_emu command. # For revision a board if drive emulating isn't the first two specify # correct --drive here # If not using 10F capacitors on a rev B board remove the pool option. # Revision B boards have longer holdup time so can use more buffers. MfmEmuOptions="--pool 200,.6" # Set to yes to not buffer stdout/stderr for reptyr command to see mfm_emu # output. # reptyr -s `ps -C mfm_emu -o pid=` NoLineBuffer=""