DVF.DC 78.05.10 DeVice File Documentation DVF - OS/8 DeVice Files DVFX is an OS/8 utility that allows a file, called a 'DeVice File' or 'DVF' to be treated as an OS/8 device for storage and retrieval of files. DVFs are useful to group files together by context in virtual devices that are suited in size for the specific group of files. All the files in the DVF may then be moved as a single entity merely by transfering the DVF. Using DVFs, a large OS/8 physical device, e.g. RK, may be effectively segmented into as many smaller devices as desired. For systems that have several users who have filenames that conflict, the files with conflicting names may be 'hidden' by each user in his own DVF on the system disk yet quickly restored to the system from the DVF without need to change media. DVFs may also be used to establish 'virtual' DECtapes or floppies on the larger device. Three programs are used to support DVFs : DVFGEN is used to create and initialize DVFs. DVFX is used to transfer files into and out of DVFs. DVFDX (or DIRECT) is used to obtain a directory of the contents of DVFs. Additionally, FTPDV.BN may be used to overlay FOTP to allow use of the CCL COPY, DELETE, LIST, and TYPE commands. DeVice File creation : DVFGEN creates DVFs and initializes their internal directories to allow use of the complete DVF (and no more!) as a virtual device. e.g. .R DVFGEN *DEV:DTA8<=1341$ . On device 'DEV:' the file 'DTA8.DV' is now initialized to be used as a DeVice File. Note that it is the same length (in blocks) as a standard DECtape and thus may contain the image of physical DECtape or be used as a virtual DECtape. File Tranfers using DVFX DVFX (DeVice File tranXfer) supports all of the features of OS/8 FOTP with two exceptions : 1. RENAME (/R) is not allowed. 2. Additional information words beyond the date word are not transfered. Two option switch specifications allow DVFX to treat a file as a device. The option '/A' (Attach) is used to specify a DVF as a file destination. The option '/B' (Belongs!) is used to specify a DVF as a file source. Both /A and /B may be used together. For example, the following command transfers all the files of the form 'COLOR?.*' or 'LIGHT?.*' or 'SOUND?.*' from within a DeVice File named RED.DV located on device DSK1:, into a DeVice File named BLUE.DV located on device DSK2:, assigning each file today's date and listing each filename as the file is transfered : .COPY DSK2:BLUE.DV/A