OS/8 File UTILity program Futil Version 07A Writeup Version 07A Summary of options of CCL command for FUTIL: .Futil [dev:][file[.ex]] [/E][] only the first character of the command must be given. "/E" sets 'SHORT' 'ERROR' mode and can be one of the following: /L set: access mode to LOAD, default .ex to .LD only /O=oooo set: access mode to OFFSET, offset to "oooo" /S set: access mode to SAVE, default .ex to .SV only CCL remembers the command line, requiring the desired options to be entered only once per day until it is desired to change them. To defeat remembrance, add an unused switch (such as "/X") to the command. SINGLE-CHARACTER commands: ([] = optional ) Output in octal or octal & "symbolic" (PDP or FPP): / / []"LINE-FEED" []! []^ []_ + - Output in a specified format: []# BCD []$ OS/8 ascii []: SIGNED decimal []% BYTE octal []& XS240 format packed ascii []< OCTAL []= UNSIGNED decimal []> PDP "symbolic" []? DIRECTORY []@ "DATE" format (extended, in alpha-numeric) [][ ASCII []\ FPP "symbolic" []] PACKED ascii []$ ("ALT-MODE") as 'SET' by last 'FORMAT' option (or "ESCAPE") No output: []"RETURN" []; WORD-TYPE commands: (And modifiers, many of which are optional) ASCII PACKED OS XS240 UNSIGNED SIGNED BCD BYTE OCTAL PDP FPP DIR DUMP [] ([]s above) LIST [] ([]s above) MODIFY [] ([]s below) ASCII PACKED OS XS240 NUMERIC WORD UNEQUAL ABSOLUTE MEMREF FROM TO STRING MASKED ABSOLUTE FROM TO SMASK e.g. 1,34,0,7700,0,(-1),377 SET