File STAT16.FC (FOCAL source file)

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C-PS/8 FOCAL, 1971
 2.10 A !!!!,"ANALYSIS ",LI;IF (LI-16)2.2,4.50,2.2
 2.20 L R SORT 2.15
 4.32 A "VARIABLES  ",BA,BE,!
 4.50 D 4.32
 4.52 S N1=0;F I=1,N; D 6
 4.54 S VT=0;S VP=-1;F I=1,N1;D 10
 4.56 D 14;S VT=-1; S VP=0;F I=1,N1;D 10
 4.58 S TX=T;D 14;S X=(N1^3-N1)/12-TX;S Y=(N1^3-N1)/12-T
 4.60 S T=0;F I=1,N1;S T=T+(X(I)-X(I-100))^2
 4.62 S R=(X+Y-T)/(2*FSQT(X*Y))
 4.64 T %8.03, !, 
; G 2.1
 6.10 S X=X(100*BA+I); S Y=X(100*BE+I)
 6.15 I (X-SA)6.3,6.9,6.3
 6.30 I (Y-SA)6.4,6.9,6.4
 6.40 S N1=N1+1
 6.50 S X(N1)=X;S X(N1-100)=Y
 6.90 R
10.05 S J=N1
10.10 S X1=X(100*VT+I);S X2=X(100*VT+J)
10.20 I (X1-X2)10.4,10.3,10.3
10.30 S X(100*VT+I)=X2;S X(100*VT+J)=X1
10.35 S X(100*VP+I)=X(100*VP+I);S X(100*VP+J)=X(100*VP+J);D 10.6
10.40 S J=J-1; I (J-I)10.9,10.9,10.1
10.60 S X1=X(100*VP+I);S X(100*VP+I)=X(100*VP+J);S X(100*VP+J)=X1
10.90 R
14.06 S N0=N0;S I=N0-1;S T=0
14.10 S I=I+1;I (I-N1)14.15,14.15;R
14.15 S X(VT*100+I+1)=X(VT*100+I+1);S X(VT*100+I)=X(VT*100+I)
14.16 I (X(VT*100+I)-X(VT*100+I+1)) 14.17,14.2
14.17 S X(I+VT*100)=I-N0+1;G 14.1
14.20 S NT=0;S J=I; S M=0
14.23 S J=J+1;S X(VT*100+J)=X(VT*100+J);
14.25 I (X(VT*100+J)-X(VT*100+I))14.3,14.23,14.3
14.30 S NT=J-I;F K=I-N0+1,J-N0;;S M=M+K
14.35 F K=I,J-1;S X(VT*100+K)=M/(J-I)
14.40 S I=J-1;S T=T+(NT^3-NT)/12;G 14.1

Feel free to contact me, David Gesswein with any questions, comments on the web site, or if you have related equipment, documentation, software etc. you are willing to part with.  I am interested in anything PDP-8 related, computers, peripherals used with them, DEC or third party, or documentation. 

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