id | title | date |
All | ||
505  | 1974 Field Service Technical Manual  | December 1974  |
DECUS 8 | ||
991  | DECUS 8-120 Disk/DECtape Failsafe  | April 1968  |
2037  | DECUS 8-362 IOFMAG (TC01 DECtape routines)  | December 1970  |
2039  | DECUS 8-370A FBUILD (Backup/restore FOCAL-LIBRA from disk to DECtape)  | September 1970  |
2040  | DECUS 8-393 Queing TC01/TU55 DECtape Routines  | September 1970  |
959  | DEC/X8 Module TC01DT TC01/TC08 DECtape Exerciser  | September 1972  |
147  | TC01 TC08 Basic Exerciser  | May 1972  |
Modules | ||
605  | G Series FLIP-CHIP modules  |   |
OS DMS | ||
35  | 4K Disk Monitor System  | February 1974  |
2077  | Disk/Dectape monitor for TD8E  | October 1975  |
PDP-9 | ||
4008  | TC02 DECtape Control Maintenance Manual  | November 1969  |
4007  | TC02 DECtape Transport Control Instruction Manual  | March 1968  |
4010  | TC02 DECtape Basic Exerciser  | August 1967  |
4009  | TC02 DECtape Random Exerciser  | August 1967  |
Software | ||
457  | PDP-8 Family Paper Tape System User's Guide  | January 1970  |
Tape DECtape | ||
445  | DECtape Patent, Bidirectional Retrieval of Magnetically Recorded Data  | June 1968  |
370  | PDP-8 Field Service Tech Manual DECtape adjustments (skew adjustment pg 8-14)  | February 1972  |
443  | PDP-8 TC01 DECtape Control Unit Maintenance Manual  | December 1972  |
152  | TC08 DECtape Controller Maintenance Manual  | February 1972  |
239  | TD8-E DECtape Control Engineering Drawings, include TU56 Prints  |   |
54  | TD8E DECtape Copy User's Manual  | May 1972  |
83  | TD8E DECtape Diagnostic  | November 1972  |
55  | TD8-E DECtape Formatter  | December 1971  |
134  | TU55 DECtape Instruction/Maintenance Manual  | 1966-1970  |
398  | TU56 DECtape Print Set  | 1971  |
27  | TU56 DECtape Transport Maintenance Manual  | September 1973  |
Tape TU58 | ||
423  | TU58-C 0: Field Maintenance Print Set (Rackmount DECtape II)  | 1979  |
427  | TU58-D Field Maintenance Print Set (DECtape II Rackmount Kit)  | 1980 Rev B  |
428  | TU58-E 0: Field Maintenance Print Set (DECtape II)  | 1980 Rev B  |
Feel free to contact me, David Gesswein with any questions, comments on the web site, or you want to donate equipment, documentation, software etc. to this project. I am interested in anything PDP-8 related, computers, peripherals used with them, DEC or third party, or documentation.
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