#sccs "@(#)fndetc/convert:pswdconvert 1.1" # # FILE: pswdconvert # # This program changes any ksh entries in /etc/passwd to sh. # This is done because ksh goes away with the Development Set # during the conversion. # if [ $# -lt 2 ] then echo "usage: pswdconvert {old file} {new file}" exit fi if [ $# -eq 3 ] then VERBOSE=$3 else VERBOSE="" fi OLDFILE=$1 NEWFILE=$2 ed $OLDFILE > /dev/null 2>&1 << _END_ 1,\$s/\/bin\/ksh/\/bin\/sh/ w q _END_ cp $OLDFILE $NEWFILE if [ "$VERBOSE" ] then echo "New release file has /bin/sh in place of /bin/ksh" fi