#sccs "@(#)install:Administration 1.1" # FILE: Ext_Admin # # This is the object file for extended administration referenced by the Office # of install # Name = Hardware Setup Default = Open Open = UA Hardware Help = EXEC -d /usr/bin/uahelp -h /usr/lib/ua/admin.hlp -t "Hardware Setup" Name = User Logins Default = Open Open = SH -pwd /usr/bin/Users.sh Help = EXEC -d /usr/bin/uahelp -h /usr/lib/ua/admin.hlp -t "User Logins" Name = Date and Time Default = Open Open = EXEC -pwd /usr/bin/setdate Help = EXEC -d /usr/bin/uahelp -h /usr/lib/ua/admin.hlp -t "Date and Time" Name = Diagnostics Floppy Default = Run Run = SH -pwd /usr/bin/Diagnos.sh Help = EXEC -d /usr/bin/uahelp -h /usr/lib/ua/admin.hlp -t Diagnostics Name = Change root password Default = Run Run = EXEC -pwd /usr/bin/password root Help = EXEC -d /usr/bin/uahelp -h /usr/lib/ua/admin.hlp -t "Root Password"