#sccs "@(#)tam:tam.h 1.5" /* user-includeable tam definition file */ /* Bob Glossman 5/1/84 */ #ifndef tam_h #define tam_h #include #include #define NWINDOW _NFILE /* max # of windows in a single process */ /* must be >= NOFILE in */ struct wstat { short begy,begx,height,width; unsigned short uflags; }; typedef struct wstat WSTAT; extern short wncur; /* current window */ extern short LINES, COLS; /* screen dimensions */ extern char w_target; /* target on override flag */ /* defines for curses compatibility */ #define stdscr wncur #define addch(ch) wputc(wncur, ch) #define addstr(str) wputs(wncur, str) #define beep() wputc(wncur, 07) #define clear() addstr("\033[2J") #define clearok(dum1,dum2) #define clrtobot() addstr("\033[J") #define clrtoeol() addstr("\033[K") #define delch() addstr("\033[P") #define deleteln() addstr("\033[M") #define erase() clear() #define flash() beep() #define getyx(dummy,row,col) { int wyy,wxx; wgetpos(wncur,&wyy,&wxx); row=wyy; col=wxx; } #define insch(ch) { addstr("\033[@"); addch(ch); } #define insertln() addstr("\033[L") #define leaveok(dum1,dum2) #define move(row,col) wgoto(wncur,row,col) #define mvaddch(row,col,ch) { move(row,col); addch(ch); } #define mvaddstr(row,col,str) { move(row,col); addstr(str); } #define mvinch(row,col,ch) { move(row,col); insch(ch); } #define nodelay(dummy, bool) wndelay(wncur, bool) #define refresh() wrefresh(wncur) #define A_STANDOUT A_REVERSE #endif tam_h