----------------------------------------- -- IPLTIME Version 2.00, December 1983 -- Program to set the system time and date by incrementing the date and time of last invocation (typically: last IPL) Use cursor movement keys to modify time and date: Use  or  for days and minutes and A-Up and A-Dn for months and hours. Carry/borrow of minutes to hours and of days to months is automatic. Strike  to validate time or date. When invoked, this program should be in the current directory and on a non write-protected disk Authors: Hubert Crepy, Bertrand Denoix, IBM Paris Scientific Center $ Keys allowed are: Cursor(, Alt , Alt ) and Enter (). $ERROR: DOS version should be 2.0 or later $ERROR: Can't access IPLTIME.COM file $ERROR: Can't redate IPLTIME.COM file $ERROR: Can't reset system time $ERROR: Can't reset system date $ $IPLTIME.COM+P0!<s  !ˀtE>߰/u.;w*$u!ظW!..>uIP !Djvh !l !븀>uFK !h !%5Bōl !뻀>t#26+!s G !~>t;.3Ҵ-!s+& !\*!6,!.6 .W!s !>!s !˴!< u<u*!v@3ҹÀ>t|:>v#À>u  5Q:>s>À> u %/:>s>À>twÀ>wt2ku uÀ>t;À>;tÀ>tÀ>t IPL date is: , , $ IPL time is: :$JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSunMonTueWedThuFriSat>N6U>S6tE>WHd܍>[4Í>]+@Í>n>q`Ø 00>q`Ø 00