Convert to 8 bit PIP image format. This also converts .BN file to paper tape image.
Convert to kermit encoded image format.
Display PDP-8 8 bit packed characters as text.
Display PDP-8 6 bit characters as text.
Display as 12 bit octal data.
This file is an OS/8 binary loader file.
Loads into memory:
00200-00200 00003-00007 00010-00017 00020-00036 00037-00177 00200-00377 00400-00577 00600-00775 01000-01177 01200-01376 01400-01554 01557-01577 01600-01776 02000-02177 02200-02376 02400-02577 02600-02776 03000-03176 03200-03374 03400-03575 03600-03777 04000-04162 04200-04472 04500-04563 10200-10200 12000-12130 12200-12347 12400-12770 13000-13164 13400-13543 13600-13752 14000-14163 14200-14371 14400-14571 00200-00200 04600-04740 04743-04777 05000-05174 05200-05372 05400-05546 05573-05577 05600-05777 06000-06127 06135-06176 06200-06240 06241-06342 06347-06377 06400-06574 06600-06676 06677-06777