QBOL DEMONSTRATION PROGRAMS The QBOL demonstration programs are designed to show a typical small QBOL application. The data file that they operate on has 100 records of 128 characters each. The data file records are described by the QBOL source code in NAMFIL.RS. The first program is used only once to build a dummy file of records with the two digit record number repeated in each field. The records are boring, but good for testing. The file building program is called LBUILD. Execute it by typing QBOL LBUILD.QB in response to the OS/78 prompter dot. The second program, and the best commented one, is NETRPT.QS. This program prints a simple report similiar to a payroll report. It uses simple calculations to derive line and column totals. The report would normally continue for all of the records in the file, but is limited to the first 25 for the sake of brief demonstrations. Another typical and useful printing program is one which prints name and address labels from the same data file. The user has the choice of how many labels to print on one line, as if for special forms with sticky backed labels. This program demonstrates direct file accessing in its ability to begin printing with any record. A very simple form of file editing program is provided with LEDIT.QS. This program prompts the user for a record number, fetches that record, displays it on the screen, and allows the user to change most of the fields in the record. There is no error checking on the data in each field, not even checks for the delete character. The input routines are set up to expand them for more detailed editing in the future. When compiling, note that the file NAMFIL.RS must be present on the same device as the source code. This file becomes part of the source being compiled via the INCLUDE statement. When executing, note that the data file NAMFIL.DT must be present on device DSK:. Some programs have error trapping routines to tell the user that the file is not available, programs without the error trap would halt with a monitor error and return to OS/78.